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Whatever Happens

Writer's picture: Pastor LizPastor Liz

Whatever happens today, 

whoever wins or looses, 

no matter what path to 260 Steve Kornacki predicts,

whether we’re entangled in accusations of fraud or 

in limbo with hanging chads,

whatever happens next; 

this country will still be as divided and 

fractured as we were yesterday.


Our nervous systems will still be distressed and disregulated.

Our bodies, spirits, and relationships will still be stressed 

and unfathomably frayed.


But, God envisions a world 

beyond elections, 

beyond political parties, 

beyond empire. 


Liberation will never come from empire.

Equity, justice, and compassion 

will never be championed by those in power. 

Empire serves it’s own preservation. 

No matter who wins, 

it is a win for empire.


Whatever happens tomorrow, 

as people of God, 

we look to the one who was born, lived and died challenging empire.


Whatever happens tomorrow, 

we will take a deep breath and 

look to those who have bore the weight of empire 

and still dared to dream beyond it,

the prophets, the freedom fighters, 

the ones who risked everything with unshakable hope.


Not a “cross my fingers” kind of hope, 

but hope as holy defiance. 

Hope as a verb, an action word,

a choice.


A fierce refusal to settle,

to accept anything less than the liberation of God’s beloved kin-dom.

Know this friends, 

no matter what happens, 

my hope lies in you, 

in us, 

in community,

in beloved kin-dom. 


No matter what happens, we will continue to choose and embody the hope of God’s liberation.


Holding us all in prayer today and the days to come.

Reach out of you're feeling overwhelmed or just need a distraction. I'll be here.

♥︎ Liz


Outdoor church at Squaxin Park on November 10 at 4 pm

Because of the time change it will be the last time we can be outside until next spring so it will be a (shorter) sunset gathering. Meet at Picnic Shelter #2, same as last month, and we'll take an easy short walk to a lookout over the water and sunset.


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